Grace Bible Church | Granbury TX



Grace Bible Church is an independent Bible Church, organizationally unrelated to any denominational group. We are committed to the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ and to the exposition of the Holy Scriptures.

Thank you for visiting our site, we look forward to meeting you in person!



 SUNDAY Morning


Ministry Building / Live Stream

10:30 am


Ministry Building / Sanctuary

9:00 am


 Our Ministries




We believe in GRACE. We believe that God’s grace is the reason for our physical existence and it is also the reason for our spiritual existence and hope. All men everywhere are on a quest for happiness and joy. From the Scriptures we believe that the only source of happiness is found in the gift of God. His gift is Jesus Christ who died to free us from the bondage and penalty of sin. That gift is what grace is all about. And that grace is what empowers the ministries of Grace.

We believe in the BIBLE. God’s message of Grace is contained explicitly in the book called the Bible. It is the supreme tool to teach, admonish, correct, and train people to live righteously. Jesus himself prayed this: “Sanctify them in the truth; Your Word is truth” (John. 17:17). We believe the Bible is true, and because it is true, it is the supreme authority for all ministry everywhere.

We believe in the CHURCH. As defined by the Bible, a church is not a building but a group of people who are brought together to serve and honor God by mutually meeting the needs of one another. In the context of this church that means that we take great pains to do all we can to mature, nurture, stimulate, encourage and protect the faith in Christ of others. We love Christ; we love Christ’s people; and we love to help people become Christ’s people.





We would love to hear from you! Please let us know if you have any questions, comments, or feedback.
