Faith Fit Mentoring — Grace Bible Church | Granbury TX



One-on-one discipleship

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Faith-Fit is a one-on-one discipleship mentoring program for those seeking to grow in their faith walk. Biblical discipleship at its basic form is two believers doing life together intentionally. We all need accountability, encouragement, and incentive to keep moving in the right spiritual direction.

Faith-Fit is a spiritual fitness ministry aimed to help men and women grow spiritually. How? By assigning a mentor who will walk with you one-on-one to encourage you and help you develop in your faith walk. An added benefit will be the opportunity to build and grow in relationship with a fellow believer.

Who is a candidate for one-on-one discipleship?

If time and your schedule are limited, then Faith-Fit is for you. We will team you with a spiritually mature Christian who will walk with you on this life-changing spiritual journey. Jesus prepared His disciples by mentoring them in small groups and through one-on-one interaction. As Proverbs 27:17 says, “Iron sharpens iron so one man sharpens another.”

What are my options?

Faith-Fit has two options for one-on-one discipleship ministry based on your time availability and your commitment level.

  1. Foundations: Perfect for the man or woman who has a desire to grow but has a limited amount of time to spare. It’s about discovering your God-given purpose while developing assurance and confidence in your salvation and faith walk. You’ll read a solid Christian book from the Foundations book list with an assigned mentor at a pace you set and can maintain. You’ll have weekly meetings to discuss and review assigned chapters at a location that works for you and your mentor.

  2. The Commission: This is for the man or woman ready to push themselves a little harder; it will require more time and commitment. You’ll use a workbook study with weekly homework anchored in God’s Word. This study will be led by a spiritually mature mentor. You’ll have weekly meetings to discuss the material at a location and pace that works for you and your mentor.