Free Counseling Services — Grace Bible Church | Granbury TX

Free Biblical counseling services

Provided Through The Center For Biblical Counseling & Discipleship


 Need Counseling?


We understand that there are times in life where you just need a helping hand. In fact, many people are doing very well in some parts of their life while struggling in others. Now might be the time when you need someone to come alongside and encourage you from the Bible. The CBCD exists to help you in your struggle. We believe that the Bible has answers for all of the problems we face in life. Most of all, we believe in a Savior, Jesus Christ, who stands ready to help us in our time of need.


To get started with our biblical counseling services, please fill out the form below. We will contact you with next steps. For more information or questions regarding the counseling we offer, please call our counseling office at 682-498-3019 or email us at




1. Is there any hope for biblical counseling to work?

We believe that God has given us all we need to know Him and to live in a way that is pleasing to Him. All our difficulties may not evaporate. However, when a person willingly submits to God's instructions and clings to his promises there is hope and help.

There are answers for dealing with whatever you might be facing. In fact, many of our counselees see significant progress in 8-12 weeks.


2. What kinds of concerns do people that come for counseling have?

We see people with all kinds of problems, but the most common would be those struggling in their marriage, helping parents with their children, those dealing with sexual sin, and those struggling with their emotions (e.g. depression or anger). In all cases, we use the Bible, God’s Sufficient Word, to answer the problems of life.

3. Are the counselors qualified?

All of our counselors, whether they are pastors or laypersons, go through a rigorous training program in biblical counseling. The training includes multiple training classes, successfully completing two comprehensive exams, and over 50 hours of supervised counseling. All of our counselors are certified or are in the process of certification with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC).

4. Are the counselors medical doctors?

No. Our counselors are not medical doctors. If you have a medical problem, please contact your physician.

5. What does counseling cost?

The CBCD is a ministry of Grace Bible Church. Our commitment is to offer counseling that is free of charge as a service to our community.

6. How do I get started?

To get started with our biblical counseling services, please fill out this form. We will contact you with next steps. For more information or questions regarding the counseling we offer, please call our counseling office at 682-498-3019 or email us at