Counseling & Discipleship Training — Grace Bible Church | Granbury TX

Counseling & Discipleship Training

Center for Biblical Counseling & Discipleship


About Our Counseling & Discipleship Training

The Center for Biblical Counseling & Discipleship (CBCD) is a ministry of Grace Bible Church. Grace has been training biblical counselors and disciplers since 2008 and providing free biblical counseling services to the community since 2009. Grace is a certified training center with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC). ACBC has been certifying biblical counselors for 40 years to ensure doctrinal integrity and to promote excellence in biblical counseling. Our ACBC training center offers the following.

  • Annual training in biblical counseling which fulfills the 30 hours required by ACBC for phase I of the certification process. Watch this 2 minute video overviewing the the certification process.

  • A weekly ACBC Exam Study Group which is designed to help those working on their ACBC exams. This class meets in person and over zoom on Thursdays from 10:30am - 12:00pm.

  • Occasional opportunities to observe actual counseling cases.

  • A bookstore of various biblical counseling-related books and resources.


 2025 Annual Conference

September 19-20 | October 17-18 | November 14-15


At the 2025 annual conference you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Grow in your own walk with Jesus Christ by studying and applying His Word for life change and growth

  • Be trained and equipped to disciple and counsel others using the Scriptures

  • Refine your skills for ministry in the local church

  • Attend a conference that fulfills the training required for Phase I of ACBC certification


Connect with us!


 For more information or to sign up for a training event, the exam class, or observation opportunities, please contact our secretary