Nursery | 0-3 years
You can find the nursery near the back of the sanctuary. Children must be checked in on our touch screen system at the entry of the nursery. 2 or more women are available in the nursery at all times.
Children’s Sunday School | 3 years and older
The Children’s Sunday School classroom is located in the Ministry Building next to the Main Building. Children must be checked in before the service and can be checked out after the service.
Nursery | 0-3 years
You can find the nursery near the back of the sanctuary. Children must be checked in on our touch screen system at the entry of the nursery. 2 or more women are available in the nursery at all times.
Children’s Church | 4 years - 2nd grade
Children will be dismissed from the sanctuary after worship service before the sermon begins. The teachers will escort the children to the classroom located in the Ministry Building next to the Main Building. Children will need to be picked up at the classroom after the service. If this is your first time visiting, we encourage you to come early if you would like to meet the teachers in advance.
AWANA | Pre-K - 12th grade
AWANA is an exciting Bible club for boys and girls, from Pre-K through 12th grade. Here at Grace, AWANA is our main children's ministry and youth ministry.
AWANA meets on Wednesday nights at 6:15 PM. There is also a meal that is served from 4:45-5:45 PM. The cost is $1 for kids, $2 for adults.
The goal of AWANA is to reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ, and then train them to serve Him. We do this each Wednesday night through the teaching of God's Word, the memorization of Scripture, games, projects, and special event nights.
We invite you and your child to come join us on Wednesday nights! For more information, please call the church office 682-498-3014 or send us an email at